It's a nice VHS. Comes in a beautiful clamshell case and a nice long set of Paragon trailers, including "Hotwire!" to get you in the mood. The viewing rate is so high I'm surprised the VCR hasn't stripped it completely of it's magnetic particles. When holding conventions and entertaining guests at the BP Mansion it is kept on for background ambience. It is also one of the first films forced upon entry level interns to study and learn.
This will not only be the first "VHS of the Week" but also the very first induction into the prestigious "ButtPoo Hall of Fame". A spot reserved for only the finest of ButtPoo tastes. Not just any film can be inducted into the BPC Hall of Fame as it is the highest honor of achievement. For consideration it needs to fulfill all of these strict guidlines:
ButtPoo Hall of Fame Criteria
1. For better or worse, the film has had a profound impact on ButtPoothean philosophy, culture, language, and general way of life.2. It is currently on the shelf at BPC headquarters.
3. It is viewed AT LEAST one time in a month.
4. Goes well with morning coffee.
Nightbeast exceeds those expectations above and beyond. To commemorate this grand event we hereby declare it "Nightbeast Week" at ButtPoo HQ!
To honor this hero's life on this planet, and the things he did on it, we recommend you view the film twice a night up to the weekend, at which point you will set the movie on a continuous loop and have it playing 'round the clock for 48 hours. And you will enjoy mass quantities of the human character Drago's (and presumably Nightbeast's) favorite liquid: Beer. As well as vodka and waters, mild. Then, as Nightbeast hath done, you will prowl the countryside violently assaulting humans. Get going, and remember one thing: "Don't argue with Krebs, Doc."
He always had a smile on his face, that's for sure. Especially when he snuck up on humans for the sole reason of eviscerating them. Or when he would burn complete strangers to cinders with his laser blaster. The way he just stomped through anything that got in his path, they way he handled himself under an assault of puny human weapons. Simply awe inspiring. He often enjoyed flying right through planets and exploding asteroids with his spaceship. And he could never turn down the chance to smash up a doctors office. Whether it be doctors offices or the Mayor's "mansion", you could be sure to find him lurking in the basement. Dwelling. I can only assume that it resembles the dry, cool atmosphere of his home planet. Sadly, he succomed to his greatest weakness, massive quantities of electricity.
Here's the sad scene where Nightbeast loses his gun.
On break from Nightbeast's rampage, humans engage in appetite-ruining sex act.
Other covers depicting Nightbeast's heart-melting smile.
Back when Blockbuster was a place that had nice things.
Classic Nightbeast move.
"Comin atchya!"
Nightbeast - 1982
Director: Don Dohler
VHS Dist: Paragon
Toiling forever in misery,
-Nameless intern #4775